Sol: Sun Clock v3 updated for iOS 7

Juggleware’s 4.5-star rated daylight utility Sol:Sun Clock has been updated on the App Store. Version 3 of Sol now has native iOS 7 UI controls and takes advantage of some of the other features that Apple’s new OS for the iPhone and iPad delivers.

Sol: Sun Clock v3.0 on the iPhone 5

Sol: Sun Clock v3.0 on the iPhone 5

Thanks largely to the vision of graphic designer Josh Warren, Sol: Sun Clock has always sported a “flat, clean look” since its first release. So really, it was a matter of Apple catching up with us (insert wry emoticon here)!

We were also able to take advantage of the Motion Effects in iOS 7: the layered graphics respond with movement of the device to make it appear that the stars are behind the earth, and the clouds are in front of it.

Other features in Version 3:

  • Alarms now have 30-second versions when you set them to “persistent” mode. We added a new alarm sound as well called “Wake Up Gently” especially designed to rouse you at sunrise.
  • The chart now shows info for Sunset, Sunrise, Solar Noon, and Solar Midnight.
  • Many updates to help and glossary, reorganized menus, a new FAQ section, all with larger type than before.
  • We fixed a crash that occurred (only on the previous version in iOS 7) by tapping on the date, and corrected some contrast display issues in the Summary screen.
  • We improved the app with many other minor aesthetic details and performance enhancements that will make the app run more smoothly and with fewer visual glitches.

Version 3 of Sol:Sun Clock requires at least an iPad 2 or an iPhone 4 running iOS 7. (The previous version of the app can be downloaded from the App Store for those still running iOS 6.)

Sol: Sun Clock has proven to be popular among photographers searching for the golden hour, to wedding planners looking to plan future dates, to outdoor enthusiasts looking to maximize their daylight time. It’s even been endorsed by David Marsh, Director of Photography for the popular British series Downton Abbey, who said “I love it and use it every day in my work.”

Read more about Sol: Sun Clock on this site; or go directly to the App Store and grab it.

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