Sol: Sun Clock
Tag Archives: App Store
Marketing’s a Bitch: Lessons from the App Store
After months of obscurity, Sol: Sun Clock rose to #11 on the Weather charts the night of the solstice, and the next morning, when Apps Gone Free went live, it quickly rose to #2. Downloads went from around 10 a day (paid) to the peak of 21,042 in one day. That is an increase of over 2000%! Over a period of three days, Sol topped 30K downloads.
Posted in App Store, iPhone Development, marketing, Programming, Sol: Sun Clock
Tagged App Store, by Juggleware, developer, iOS, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, marketing, Sol: Sun Clock, weather
Sol: Sun Clock — official trailer
Kudos to Josh Warren, co-designer of Sol:Sun Clock, for producing this excellent 60-second trailer introducing our new app for iPhone and iPad, now available in the App Store.
Sol: Sun Clock from jjnww on Vimeo.
I’m hoping …
Posted in iPhone Apps, marketing, Sol: Sun Clock
Tagged App Store, by Juggleware, clock, demos, iPad apps, iPhone Apps, Sol: Sun Clock, videos, weather
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Sol: Sun Clock is now available for iPad
The latest update to Sol: Sun Clock, the personal daylight utility and alarm clock for iPhone, now makes use of the new iPad’s hi-res screen.
As a developer, I was happy that 98% of Sol:Sun Clock’s codebase had to be …
Posted in App Store, iPhone Development, Photography, Sol: Sun Clock
Tagged App Store, by Juggleware, clock, iPad, iPhone Apps, Sol: Sun Clock, weather
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Why I made Sol: Sun Clock
We’ve been working on this one for months and I’m happy to announce that Sol: Sun Clock, our lastest iPhone app, is now available in Apple’s App Store.
It lets you look at the day’s sunlight times, quickly …
Posted in App Store, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, Photography, Sol: Sun Clock
Tagged alarm, App Store, apple, by Juggleware, clock, dawn, dusk, equinox, iPad, iPhone Development, Sol: Sun Clock, solstice, sun, sunrise, sunset, timer, twilight, weather
Apple: Only “professional” satirists can make fun.
Well the Freedom Time controversy has long passed from my mind, except when some other story pops up that reminds me.
Today I had the chance to read Apple’s new App Store Approval Guidelines (registered developers can read them here…
Posted in App Store, Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, apple, censor, defamatory, Freedom Time, iPhone Development, rejected, satire
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Streaming Radio app approved
Fast on the heels of the last post, we are pleased to announce that Apple has approved Juggleware’s latest app, Radio Backporch Revolution.
Initially we received a rejection letter from the App Store review team, saying that the app …
Posted in App Store, iPhone Apps, Radio BPR
Tagged App Store, developer, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, music, radio, rejected, streaming
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Apple v. Satire, part 17.
Pulitzer-prize winning satirist Mark Fiore had his app rejected by Apple because it “ridicules public figures.”
Regular readers will remember that Juggleware’s own app Freedom Time was actually the test case of this unwritten and up-til-then unknown policy, which had …
Posted in App Store, Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, apple, censor, defamatory, developer, Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, parody, rejected, satire, steve jobs
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Juggleware app mentioned on NPR
NPR ran a story yesterday about Apple’s new iPad which just hit stores, but critics say that the “walled garden” approach (just like the iPhone) makes the Internet a less free place and could spell the end of the net …
Posted in App Store, Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, censor, Freedom Time, iPad, iPhone Apps, NPR, steve jobs
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Pocket Troll 1.0 Has Been Submitted to the App Store
We’ll let you know here when it’s approved. Thanks to Dave Rhoden for the hilarious animation, and to everyone who helped with the word and syntax selection.
For more info, go here:…