Sol: Sun Clock
Tag Archives: Mac
mySQL to SQLite cheatsheet for iPhone developers
Although I started writing this as a cheat-sheet for myself (after many hours of struggling with this by trial-and-error), I figured it would be helpful for other iPhone developers who’d like to take a mySQL database online and migrate it …
Posted in iPhone Development, Programming
Tagged apple, Core Data, database, iPhone Development, Mac, mySQL, SQLite
Freedom Time now available for your desktop!
I made a promise to myself on November 3. If Obama wins, I’ll make a downloadable version of Freedom Time for Mac and Windows and let everyone download it.
Well, as everyone in the galaxy knows, we now have two …
Posted in Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, Uncategorized
Tagged apple, Bush, censor, clock, countdown, Flash, Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, Mac, satire, Windows
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