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Tag Archives: steve jobs
Apple v. Satire, part 17.
Pulitzer-prize winning satirist Mark Fiore had his app rejected by Apple because it “ridicules public figures.”
Regular readers will remember that Juggleware’s own app Freedom Time was actually the test case of this unwritten and up-til-then unknown policy, which had …
Posted in App Store, Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, apple, censor, defamatory, developer, Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, parody, rejected, satire, steve jobs
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Juggleware app mentioned on NPR
NPR ran a story yesterday about Apple’s new iPad which just hit stores, but critics say that the “walled garden” approach (just like the iPhone) makes the Internet a less free place and could spell the end of the net …
Posted in App Store, Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, censor, Freedom Time, iPad, iPhone Apps, NPR, steve jobs
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Freedom Time “more important” rejection than Google Voice
Jason Grigsby wrote an excellent article on Cloud Four about the significance of Apple’s rejection of Freedom Time that anyone who is interested in Apple’s App Store policies, or corporations and censorship should take a look at.
Thanks Jason, I …
Posted in Freedom Time
Tagged App Store, apple, defamatory, Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, parody, rejected, steve jobs
Steve Jobs responds
Wow, although I’m not happy with Apple right now, I have to give Apple’s CEO some serious credit for answering the email I wrote yesterday:
…Dear Steve,
A quick note to let you know what kinds of apps are being
Posted in Freedom Time, iPhone Apps, iPhone Development, Uncategorized
Tagged App Store, apple, Bush, iphone app, rejected, steve jobs